June 29, 2011

Things are looking good

I’m writing this the second time, it must be a record. Because I’m writing this to myself, I can “talk” with me about the things that concern me right now. The most important thing right now is to find a place to live in Munich for 6 months.

I’m doing my exchange in University of Applied Sciences Munich next fall. I will study Logistics and Production Management in _German_ which is a very big thing for me. I decided to do it because I really like challenges and I want to improve my German. I think that will do the job. In my home school in Tampere I study International Business in English and studying in English has never been a problem to me. Even though I will never write/speak English perfectly, it is still as natural to me as Finnish.

But German is a totally different thing. I have studied it for 6½ years and in my opinion, it is a beautiful language. Point is, I will be living in Bayer and the dialect there is almost impossible to understand. But I will survive because what does not kill, hurts like hell but will make me stronger.

And now to the main subject. About a week ago I was informed that I haven’t gotten a room from the organization that provides students rooms/apartments. First I panicked, because how the hell I’m going to find someone who is willing to rent me his/hers room/apartment to a foreigner who has extremely limited, basically non-excistent possibilities to fly to Germany, see the place and sign a lease? I wouldn’t, and I generally trust in people’s good intentions. Then I thought, well somebody will and at least I get to choose where and with whom I can share a flat. After a couple of tries, I went back to thinking as I did at the beginning, because it literally is impossible.

But today I received an email from the international office in Hochschule München telling me that one of their student is willing to rent me her room (25m2, it is REALLY big, it’s almost the size of my old apartment). If everything works out well, wuhuu, it is going to be okay and I can enjoy the rest of my summer before the most amazing fall/winter ever! So thing are looking good… 🙂

June 28, 2011

No good will come out of this

I didn’t mean to start writing a blog. I just wanted to log in so I could comment one conversation and there was a possibility (it has been made too easy) to start your own blog. And I did it.

I once thought about writing a blog and then decided that okay, it would be cool but I’m not consistent enough to keep writing it and what would I write anyway? Well, I can promise you that I won’t be writing very often and what I will write will be only interesting to my mother. And she doesn’t speak English. Btw, I’m Finnish, a woman, 20-years-old, live in Tampere and the blog I wanted to comment was Mike Shinonda’s, who wrote a very interesting article about “super fans”

The address to my blog “tastaeihyvaaseuraa” is Finnish (written correctly tästä ei hyvää seuraa) and means “no good will come out of this” and that is exactly what I feel about it. But if I change my mind about that, I will change the address. Until that it stays.